"Men must decide not to be rapists...then, there wouldn't be rape." -- "Jay," from The Script

THE SCRIPT is a one-man show that depicts JAY, NICK, JEREMY, and CHRIS, four young men, at the "edge of an incident"-- A female classmate has been involved in an episode of dating violence. The young men are suddenly confronted by the very real issues of rape and sexual assault. In the course of this 40 minute, eye-opening play, the four characters grapple with their attitudes and beliefs about men, women, and relationships, and they make dramatic choices which effect their friendships, and their lives.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Thursday, September 22nd, at the Urban Eats Cafe, St. Louis, a great audience turned out for a performance of THE SCRIPT. In attendance were dedicated employees of great organizations, including Safe Connections, Provident, SLU School of Nursing, and ADAPT of Missouri. Thanks to Urban Eats and the awesome staff, all of who helped to make for a great evening!

Next... Brattleboro, Vermont, Wenesday, September 28th, 7 p.m., Luminz Studio... Don't miss this show!