"Men must decide not to be rapists...then, there wouldn't be rape." -- "Jay," from The Script

THE SCRIPT is a one-man show that depicts JAY, NICK, JEREMY, and CHRIS, four young men, at the "edge of an incident"-- A female classmate has been involved in an episode of dating violence. The young men are suddenly confronted by the very real issues of rape and sexual assault. In the course of this 40 minute, eye-opening play, the four characters grapple with their attitudes and beliefs about men, women, and relationships, and they make dramatic choices which effect their friendships, and their lives.

Monday, March 14, 2011

SLU Students Discuss "The Script"

"The show was very eye-opening, it addresses a problem that affects all young adults, no matter what economic status.

All of the characters were relatable to someone I knew in high school. This show highlighted how a male's view towards woman is really dependent on their relationship to women.

I absolutely loved this show and feel that it would greatly benefit high schoolers

--Valerie Bogutski, SLU Student


More thoughtful feedback from Saint Louis University Students about The Script...

"I absolutely loved the show! It was witty and well-played. All of the characters were so well developed and had such depth that I could relate to each of them.

The relatable nature of the show really made it effective for me. The statistics from the websites and the shock that the character "Jay" felt when reading them to the audience was eye-opening.

I think The Script is so great because it can reach so many different groups of people from all backgrounds.

You were truly impressive! Continue with your mission--you're doing great work!"

--Erin R., SLU Student

"The show was very moving, lots of enthusiasm. I feel that the show impacted myself in that these issues occur more than what we are made aware of, and the show made me aware of action that we portray verbally and physically.

It was interesting to see the different male characters. I could relate to men I know who act just like the people you played. I felt that it was good to express how some men view women as objects and not people.

Great show!"

--Red, SLU Student

Students Comment on THE SCRIPT

"I thought the show was absolutely awesome! It was engaging, insightful, and I could really relate to it. It helped me understand male perspectives and thoughts in a new, unique way. This show is a great advocate for awareness and change.

The complexity of the characters gave a depth to the show that is accurate and relates to both men and women. GREAT JOB!"

--Anonymous SLU Student

"It was SO amazing to hear a male's experience, opinions, and thoughts about this issue. Experiences like the one portrayed in the play happen very often, and if more men saw this show, I have a strong feeling the world would be more educated about violence.

I could relate to the show. I grew up playing ice hockey with a ton of boys, and the incident you portrayed in the play happened on numerous occasions in my hometown.

It was nice to see four different characters develop into becoming aware of women's feeling and thoughts.

GREAT JOB, Tim! Your insight and knowledge will make a difference in this world."

---Abby Martin, SLU Student

"I loved it! I wish everyone I know could see it! You were so great at taking on the roles of the characters! It made me realize how things like pornography can destroy men's minds and put these ideas in men's minds about how women want to be treated when it is NOT close to the truth.

I could relate all the characters to people I know."

--Rheana Naber, SLU Student