"Men must decide not to be rapists...then, there wouldn't be rape." -- "Jay," from The Script

THE SCRIPT is a one-man show that depicts JAY, NICK, JEREMY, and CHRIS, four young men, at the "edge of an incident"-- A female classmate has been involved in an episode of dating violence. The young men are suddenly confronted by the very real issues of rape and sexual assault. In the course of this 40 minute, eye-opening play, the four characters grapple with their attitudes and beliefs about men, women, and relationships, and they make dramatic choices which effect their friendships, and their lives.

Friday, July 15, 2011


The latest e-news from the fantastic Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership... you can catch Tim at both the Program Fair on Friday, July 22nd, and in performance on September 9th! Check out all the events offered by this important organization!

Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership logo

July 2011

You're Invited to the 2011 TPPP Film Festival and Program Fair!

Summer heat getting you down? Come by and chill out with lemonade or wine and snacks and network with fellow professionals while learning more about local programs that improve adolescent sexual health!

We will also showcase free film clips appropriate for use in a sexual health classroom - and you'll get a resource list to take with you!

Friday, July 22,

3 to 6 pm

at Vision for Children at Risk (hosts our offices)

2433 N Grand, 63106

(1 mile north of the Fox Theater)

$5 at the door

Questions? Contact Allison Hile at

(213) 280-4770, or ExecutiveDirector@TeenPregnancy-MO.org


Tim CollinsSTANDING BY/STANDING UP STANDING BY/STANDING UP confronts the difficult truths about Bullying, depicting a compelling range of characters, both students and teachers, struggling with choices, consequences, and uncertainties. STANDING BY/STANDING UP is a fast-paced, 40-minute one-man show, aimed at middle school and high school students, but relevant for adults and anyone working to prevent violence and abuse in their communities.

TPPP will host this extraordinary show on Friday, September 9th, at its professional training meeting, from 9:00 - 11:00 am, at Vision for Children at Risk.

Tim Collins is an award-winning actor and playwright. He is currently touring THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention. Find out more: www.timcollinssoloperformer.blogspot.com, and www.timcollinsonline.com


Sexual Health 101

Join TPPP and your fellow colleagues for this great opportunity for professional development and networking, and to fill your bag with useful tips & information!

Topics will include:

  • Contraceptive Technology Update enhanced with Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology and Adolescent Development

  • STD/HIV Update enhanced with LGBT Issues

  • What Works and Creative Ways to Discuss Sexuality with Teens

  • Handling Parents' Concerns

Friday, September 16th, 2011

8:30 am - 3:00 pm

at Vision for Children at Risk

The $50 workshop fee includes training materials, breakfast and lunch.

Questions? Contact Allison Hile, ExecutiveDirector@teenpregnancy-mo.org


The Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership brings together individuals and private and public organizations to improve communication and education so that youth make choices that decrease the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.