"Men must decide not to be rapists...then, there wouldn't be rape." -- "Jay," from The Script

THE SCRIPT is a one-man show that depicts JAY, NICK, JEREMY, and CHRIS, four young men, at the "edge of an incident"-- A female classmate has been involved in an episode of dating violence. The young men are suddenly confronted by the very real issues of rape and sexual assault. In the course of this 40 minute, eye-opening play, the four characters grapple with their attitudes and beliefs about men, women, and relationships, and they make dramatic choices which effect their friendships, and their lives.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Standing By, Standing Up, the video, NOW ON LINE!

Check out:


filmed by Chris Latragna...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Images from the forthcoming STANDING BY, STANDING UP Video!

Photos by Chris Latragna... this video will be on-line tomorrow!

Friday, December 2, 2011

An Evening Of Theater, Community, and Violence Prevention

An Evening Of Theater And Community To Prevent Violence, at the Regional Arts Commission, December 1st, 2011...

Thanks to all who participated to make a great evening!

Monday, November 28, 2011



314 651 2078

leave a message stating:

You name

Number of seats

Phone number

Or, email: info@ timcollinsonline.com

See you on the 1st!

St. Louis Playwright Uses Theater to Help End Cycle of Violence

On December 1, parents and teens alike are invited to join Tim Collins for two powerful plays – The Script, which explores society’s misconceptions about dating violence, and Standing By, Standing Up, a closer look at the bullying epidemic.

From The Color Purple’s Celie to Miranda Lambert’s “Gunpowder and Lead,” the entertainment world has shined a spotlight on the issue of domestic violence, raising awareness through the eyes and voices of the women who live it every day.

Yet few ever get inside of the minds of the men who commit physically and sexually violent acts to explore why they believe violence is acceptable and how they justify their terrible actions - Information that could help stop the cycle of abuse.

Here in St. Louis, schools and nonprofits alike have welcomed actor and playwright Tim Collins to their stages. Through his one-man performance, The Script, Collins is using his heartfelt words to assist in ending dating and domestic violence before it starts. And on December 1st, he’ll perform this celebrated play, along with his new work, the anti-bullying Standing By, Standing Up, at the Regional Arts Commission for a night of art and awareness.

The Story behind The Script

Like most individuals, Collins was aware there’s an issue of domestic and dating violence in this country, but it wasn’t until he began discussing the topic with the women in his life did the enormity of the epidemic take shape. Every female friend, every female family member had a story that hit close to home, whether it affected her acquaintance, her roommate or even herself.

Explained Collins, “No man I knew would say to me, ‘I wouldn’t feel safe walking by myself or running in this park.’ Men have a sort of privilege; they feel safe all the time. Women have to have a battle plan even if they’re just walking out of their house. They always have to have something prepared just in case – that’s a horrible way to live. I thought there surely must be something I could do to help.”

As an actor who studied at Marlboro College and Arts ED UK, Collins decided to direct his talents toward advocacy. Putting pen to paper, the playwright crafted The Script to target domestic and dating violence. The 40-minute play goes inside the minds of four young men in the wake of a sexual attack on a female classmate. Through his characters, Collins exposes the misconception of blaming the victim and explores how one’s inability to handle challenges to his masculinity can set him on a dangerous course toward violence.

In the past two years, The Script has not only struck a chord with theatergoers, but has grown into a critical teaching tool for a network of schools, nonprofits and other agencies across St. Louis. Collins regularly performs The Script for a variety of audiences, including students as young as eighth grade, as well as adults who themselves have been abusive to their partners.

Collins believes exposing the flaws of his characters is what has turned a passive theater experience into a passionate and educational conversation between himself and the audience. “I like portraying misinformed characters who say – this is what I believe – to get the audience to react and disagree with me. By showing all levels of understanding across the spectrum – from ignorance about domestic violence to some kind of enlightenment on the issue, that’s where the dialogue happens. I want my characters to change their limited viewpoints and hopefully the audience will learn alongside them.”

The Next Show in a Series

With the success of The Script, Collins decided to expand his reach in Fall 2011 with Standing By, Standing Up, which targets the reasons behind and consequences of today’s bullying epidemic. While Collins initially created the show to target middle and high schoolers, agencies encouraged him to expand it to children as young as fourth grade – a sad realization about the severity of the issue.

Yet, through Standing By, Standing Up, audiences discover ways to end bullying in their organizations. “I hope I created a show that lets kids look at the system of violence in their schools, and think, ‘Can I step in?’ ‘Can I identify people who are being bullied, but don’t have the skills or emotional knowledge to stop it?’ ‘Can I help create an environment where people are helped instead of hurt?’”

On Thursday, December 1, Collins will perform both The Script and Standing By, Standing Up at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Blvd., at 6:30 p.m. The night will also feature a Resource Fair and Panel Discussion featuring local violence prevention agencies. There is no cost for the event, but donations will be accepted. Organizations who wish to have Collins perform at their facilities can contact him through www.timcollinssoloperformer.blogspot.com.

Moving forward, Collins is continuing to affect social change through his work on two new performances examining mental illness and sex education. “There are so many issues out there, from suicide prevention to heroin abuse,” he remarked. “There’s an infinite amount of shows, and an infinite number of agencies in St. Louis. I am so excited to be sharing my work with them to help others.”

By Nicole Plegge, Lifestyle Blogger for SmartParenting

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., KXEN 1010 AM Radio, Tim will talk about Standing By, Standing Up, a one-man show about Bullying Prevention, and An Evening Of Theater And Community, which takes place on December 1st at the Regional Arts Commission! Tune in on Tuesday and catch this interview, and be sure to reserve your seats for December 1st!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Reserve Your Seats, Today!



Don't miss this FREE evening of E
ducational Theater and Community Resources, sponsored by Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership!
Thursday, December 1st, 6 PM to 8:45 PM
at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO

The Evening's Schedule:
Beginning at 6 PM, a Healthy Relationships Resource Fair, featuring nearly a dozen St. Louis-based agencies
At 6:45 PM, a performance of Standing By, Standing Up, a one-man show about Bullying Prevention, by Tim Collins
Following the performance, the Resource Fair will re-open, and light refreshments, coffee, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available
At 7:45 PM, a performance of THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention, by Tim Collins
Following the second performance, there will be a Q & A Panel Discussion with activists and educators!
Some of the great St. Louis-based agencies participating in the Resource Fair and Panel Discussion:
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, Planned Parenthood, TASH, Provident Inc., Safe Connections, Family Resource Center, VSA Missouri, St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Center, Project Village Group Mentoring Program, Epworth Street Outreach, RAVEN, and A Place To Turn To!

You are welcome to attend any portion of the evening, or all of it!

Admission to this special evening is FREE!
Donations for teen education will be accepted.
Reservations are highly recommended!
Please call: 314-651-2078 to reserve your seats!
for more information:

Check out YouTube Clips:


Monday, November 14, 2011


November 14th, @ Adapt of Missouri--

Tim performed Standing By, Standing Up, a new one-man show about Bullying Prevention. Here's what the audience members had to say:

"Fantastic! I was completely immersed in the story. You should be commended for the work you do. You are a very talented man. Thank you for this experience."

--Michelle Shellenberg, CST

"Tremendously powerful! Tim makes you really think beyond what's apparent. Every child, teen, and adult needs to see his shows."

--Gina Mesnier, RN, MSN

"His performance was so powerful! I would recommend this performance for all school-aged children!"

--Katie Elmore, Nursing Student, Goldfarb School of Nursing

"Beautiful performance. Keep up the great job!"

--Loreta S., Goldfarb School of Nursing

"A powerful performance!"

--Nicole Shelton, Nursing Student

"The show was great. All the characters were believable, and you get sucked in to the show. I definetely recommend seeing it."

--Emily Bollinger, Nursing Student

"Terrific performance. Definitely relates to real-life situations. I was very impacted by the performance."

--E.W., Nursing Student

"TERRIFIC! POWERFUL! I'm at a loss for words. This performance is a must-see for all educational levels."

--Tami P., Nursing Student

Thanks to Gina and the Goldfarb Nursing Students for being a great audience!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reserve Your Seats Today!!!


A special performance, sponsored by Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, of two one-man shows, written and performed by Tim Collins:
STANDING BY, STANDING UP, a one-man show about Bullying Prevention, and THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention. The performances will be preceded by a resource fair, with a number of St. Louis-based social work & violence prevention agencies in attendance. The performances will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives of the various agencies; this will be a great, community-focused event!

Regional Arts Commission
6128 Delmar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO

Some of the great St. Louis-based agencies that will be in the Resource Fair and Panel Discussion:

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership
Provident, Inc.
Safe Connections
Planned Parenthood and the TASH Teen Taskforce!
VSA Missouri
Family Resource Center
St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Center
Epworth Street Outreach
Project Village Group Mentoring Program

Admission to this community-focused evening is FREE-- Donations for
Teen Education will be accepted.
Reservations are highly recommended!
Please call: 314 651 2078 to reserve your seats!

6:00- 6:45 PM Healthy Relationships Resource Fair
6:45 PM Performance of Standing By, Standing Up
7:20 PM Resource Fair & Free Coffee!
7:45 PM Performance of THE SCRIPT
8:20 PM Panel Discussion with Activists and Educators

Tuesday, November 1, 2011



A special performance, sponsored by Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, of two one-man shows, written and performed by Tim Collins: STANDING BY, STANDING UP, a one-man show about Bullying Prevention, and
THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention. The performances will be preceded by a resource fair, with a number of St. Louis-based social work & violence prevention agencies in attendance. The performances will be followed by a panel discussion with representatives of the various agencies; this will be a great, community-focused event!

Some of the great St. Louis-based agencies that will be in the Resource Fair and Panel Discussion:

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership

Provident, Inc.
Safe Connections
Adapt of Missouri
St. Louis Regional Sexual Assault Center
Planned Parenthood and the TASH Teen Taskforce!

WHERE: The Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO

Admission to this community-focused evening is FREE! Donations for Teen Education will be accepted, and appreciated!

Reservations are highly recommended! Please call: 314 651 2078 to reserve your seats!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


STANDING BY, STANDING UP, Tim's new solo show about Bullying Prevention, was on tour throughout October...

October 20th, three performances at Imagine Academy Middle School, St. Louis, MO

October 26th, one performance at Maplewood Richmond Heights Middle School, Maplewood, MO

& October 27th, a public performance at the Stone Spiral Coffee House, Maplewood, MO

Thanks to all the students, teachers, and agencies that helped make these shows possible!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Thursday, October 20th--

Three performances of STANDING BY, STANDING UP, one of Tim's newest one-man shows! Thanks to all the students and staff of this great St. Louis school... here's some comments from teachers in attendance...

--Trish Iaiennaro, Spanish Teacher

"Great job! Convincing!"
-- Teacher

"Great lesson-- your message was very relative to the students."
-- Teacher

"I thought the show was very educational and informative. Also quite entertaining!"

"I thought it was really great! The students were very engaged. You showed all the different roles very well. Keep up the good work!"

"The show was good, and the kids were interested and involved the whole time. It was very relevant."

"Very good! Realistic, and the show induced problem-solving type-thinking. Entertaining! The students were attentive and engaged for the full 40 minutes!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

From the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services...

Adolescent Health Insider: Bullying and Adolescent Health

Office of Adolescent Health

October 19, 2011

National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to focus on an issue that was identified as a being a "big problem” among eight- to 15-year-olds in a national survey. Adolescents reported that bullying was a problem for them more often than racism, HIV/AIDS, or the pressure to have sex, and was as much of a problem as the pressure to use drugs or alcohol.1

Photo: Girl in foreground, group talking in background

Bullying can interfere with the important interpersonal relationships that support an adolescent’s mental health and wellbeing. Bullying is defined as repeated interpersonal behavior that is intended to do physical or psychological harm.2 Increasingly, schools, communities, parents, and adolescents are acknowledging that bullying is not a rite of passage, but rather a practice that can be extremely damaging to children and teens.3 To help address the issue in schools, the U.S. Department of Education has released best practices upon which states can model effective anti-bullying policies. Also, in March 2011, the White House held its first Conference on Bullying Prevention to discuss how we can all work together to end bullying’s status as an accepted practice, and create a safer environment for children and teens.

Bullying: Up Front and Virtual

Between 2001 and 2007, bullying was on the rise among adolescents and, in 2009, one in five high school students reported that they were bullied on school property in the past year.4,5 Approximately eight percent of high school students admit to having bullied others, and about 6.5 percent of high schoolers are both bullies and victims of bullying.6 The risk of cyberbullying has also increased along with the growth of technology in the lives of adolescents. Cyberbullying ranges from repeatedly making fun of another person through email or text messaging to posting something online about them that they don’t like.7 Of these, adolescents are most commonly cyberbullied via text message.8 In 2010, one in five adolescents said that they had been cyberbullied at some point in their lives, and about the same number admit to having been a cyberbully. One in ten adolescents had been both a cyberbully and a victim.9

Perhaps not surprisingly, there is often crossover between being cyberbullied and being bullied in person–victims of cyberbullying were more likely to get into a physical fight at school or to be the victim of a crime than were students who were not cyberbullied.10 Generally, boys are more at risk of being bullied physically while girls are more frequently the victims of Internet harassment and emotional bullying, such as social exclusion.11

Did you know?

Adolescents who bully others are more likely to have been physically hurt by a family member and/or to have witnessed violence in their homes.12 October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month—adolescents experiencing domestic violence in their home, their family members, and those that care about them can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE for help.

Want to learn more about adolescent health?

The Office of Adolescent Health is proud to introduce our newly redesigned website, which features tips, facts and information on federal resources and initiatives related to adolescent mental health, physical health and nutrition, reproductive health, substance abuse, and healthy relationships. Stop by www.hhs.gov/ash/oah to find:

  • The latest news about teen health and federal adolescent health initiatives
  • Evidence-based programs to reduce teen pregnancy and other risky sexual behaviors
  • Outstanding federal resources on adolescent health
  • Information tailored for parents at Conversation Generation, with tips and strategies on how to talk to teens about sensitive topics like sex and relationships
  • A national and state map with the latest federal statistics on adolescent health listed by topic and state
Photo: diverse group of teens

Connect with OAH through Twitter (@teenhealthgov) or add a badge to your site to help promote the adolescent health resources on the OAH website!

Additional Federal Resources: Preventing Bullying and Building Healthy Adolescent Relationships

  • OAH has resources on healthy relationships in adolescence, including how adolescents and those who care about them can help prevent or stop bullying.
  • StopBullying.gov, a special initiative from the Department of Health and Human Services, provides information from government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Striving To Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE) initiative provides communities with the knowledge and resources to prevent youth violence, including bullying.
  • GirlsHealth.gov, a site from the Office on Women’s Health, has bullying resources for adolescent girls, like “The different ways girls bully and the long-lasting hurt it can cause,” as well as resources on adolescent bullying for their parents and caregivers.
  • Watch video, download audio, or read the transcript from the White House’s Conference on Bullying Prevention here. Additional materials from the conference, including presentations like “Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in Schools” and “Effective Strategies in Combating Bullying” can be found here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Thursday, October 13th, Tim brings THE SCRIPT to Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis.

From Children's Advocacy's website:

"The Mission of Children’s Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis is to reduce the effects of trauma experienced by children and adolescents through: trauma informed assessment and counseling, facilitation of multi-disciplinary investigative teams, child-sensitive forensic interviews, consistent victim advocacy, quality undergraduate and graduate training, utilization based research, responsive community outreach, and relevant advocacy to influence public policy."

We are thrilled to share THE SCRIPT with this important agency!

Catch a public performance of THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention!

December 1st, at the Regional Arts Commission. This will be part of a special evening-- Tim will also be performing Standing By, Standing Up, a one-man show about Bullying and Violence prevention. Check back soon for further details!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


September 28th, Brattleboro, VT--

A great and attentive audience turned out for a performance of THE SCRIPT... we were in the Luminz Studio, an amazing dance space, very intimate and appropriate for a solo show! Thanks to Luminz, and all who attended. We'll post more photos here, soon.

And don't forget! Thursday, October 27th, 7 p.m., STANDING BY, STANDING UP, Tim's one-man show about Bullying and Violence Prevention, at the Stone Spiral Coffee House in Maplewood, MO!
Here's what the great staff from Stone Spiral has to say

"Tim Collins will delight us again with his thoughtful, timely, and comical spoken word. STANDING BY/STANDING UP depicts four young men challenged by bullying. This timely educational theater piece depicts various forms of Bullying, and follows the interwoven stories of the characters as they either work to further, or prevent, violence. STANDING BY/STANDING UP, aimed at 6th-12th grade students, takes a sober look at the dire consequences of bullying, cyber-bullying, and exclusion, but also identifies hopeful outcomes and ways that students can prevent violence in their schools and lives. Regardless of your age, social or relationship status this is not to be missed. Tim’s first show on dating violence filled the joint! Don’t miss out!"

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Thursday, September 22nd, at the Urban Eats Cafe, St. Louis, a great audience turned out for a performance of THE SCRIPT. In attendance were dedicated employees of great organizations, including Safe Connections, Provident, SLU School of Nursing, and ADAPT of Missouri. Thanks to Urban Eats and the awesome staff, all of who helped to make for a great evening!

Next... Brattleboro, Vermont, Wenesday, September 28th, 7 p.m., Luminz Studio... Don't miss this show!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Safe Connections, an amazing St. Louis-based agency, recently hosted a performance of THE SCRIPT... here's what a few staff members had to say:

“I thought it was a great presentation; important messages presented in a way that grabs your attention and touches you”

--Safe Connections staff member

"In The Script, Tim captures the complex thoughts and feelings experienced by male teens as they navigate dating and peer relationships. He clearly lays a path for steps young men can take address rape and violence in our communities. This entertaining performance is sure to motivate young adults to challenge their thoughts about sexual and dating violence. This important piece of work should be a regular part of high school and college orientation presentations."

--Amanda C. Antenucci, MSW, LCSW
Adolescent Therapist

About Safe Connections...

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, Safe Connections is a place where relationship violence and its long-term effects are addressed in complete confidence and security. Our individual counseling enables thousands of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to reclaim their lives. Our 24-hour Crisis Helpline volunteers provide resources and information to survivors, family members and concerned friends. Project H.A.R.T. offers information about healthy

relationships to adolescents at schools and other sites around the region. Our services are free, safe and confidential. Our staff members are experienced and compassionate. Since 1976, Safe Connections has created hope and healing from pain and violence. Join us in striving to make a safe, healthy community for all of us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

THE SCRIPT at St. Louis University!

Over 1,000 St. Louis students saw THE SCRIPT in performance last night... they were a fantastic audience, and SLU is full of skilled and dedicated administrators who are working to educate the community on how to prevent violence... an excellent evening!

Friday, September 16, 2011

THE SCRIPT at St. Louis University!

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 5 P.M. & 7 P.M.





Monday, September 12, 2011


On Friday, September 9th, Tim premiered his new solo show about Bullying and Violence Prevention, Standing By, Standing Up. Here's what those in attendance said about the educational, multi-character, solo show:

"Wow! Very engaging-- funny, tragic, and everything in between."

"I enjoyed this! It was moving."
--Cassandra Jensen, LMSW

"Very well developed and the characters were very informational. Got a lot of insight and thoughts and inspiration from the characters."
--Lauren Foerster, Mentoring Assistant, Lutheran Family & Children's Services


More comments, posted here, soon! Thanks to everyone in attendance!

Friday, September 9, 2011

STANDING BY, STANDING UP, the debut performance!

Standing By, Standing Up, Tim's new solo show about Bullying and Violence Prevention, hosted by Allison Hile and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, premiered at Visions for Children at Risk this morning! It was a well-attended performance, with lots of excellent folks from excellent agencies. Thanks to all who attended and shared their insightful feedback and comments!

Friday, September 2, 2011


Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership
Partnership E-News
2011 Professional Training Dates:
Fri, Sept. 9, 2011
A new play on bullying by
Tim Collins


St. Louis

No advanced registration, arrive early to get a good seat for the premier
performance of Tim Collins' STANDING BY/STANDING UP, an educational one-man show addressing the issues of bullying and violence prevention.

STANDING BY/STANDING UP depicts four young men challenged by bullying. This timely educational theater piece depicts various forms of Bullying, and follows the interwoven stories of the characters as they either work to further, or prevent, violence.

STANDING BY/STANDING UP, aimed at 8th-12th grade students, takes a sober look at the dire consequences of bullying, cyber-bullying, and exclusion, but also identifies hopeful outcomes and ways that students can prevent violence in their schools and lives.

Friday, September 9th

9:00 - 11:00 am

Teen Pregnancy and Prevention Partnership

2433 N. Grand, 63106

(at Vision for Children at Risk, which hosts our offices)

Don't miss the debut of this moving, extraordinary show!

For more information about the meeting, contact Allison Hile: ExecutiveDirector@teenpregnancy-mo.org. There is no advanced registration, $10 at the door.

For more info about the show or to contact Tim Collins: info@timcollinsonline.com


"LIKE" us on Facebook!

Now you can keep up to date with all the most important, interesting, and relevant adolescent sexual health information!

Like us on Facebook
Click on the Facebook icon to the right and you can check out TPPP's new and improved Facebook page! "Like" us to add us to your status updates and keep informed on all the happenings, hot topics, and intriguing news.

Let's see how quickly we can reach 500 fans! Share this link with your friends, colleagues, and youth interested in teen sexual health issues!

The Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Teen Girl TeenagerPartnership brings together individuals and private and public organizations to improve communication and education so that youth make choices that decrease the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


August 31st, the amazing staff of SAFE CONNECTIONS brought in a performance of THE SCRIPT... it was fantastic to share the show with the skilled & excellent members of this important agency... check out www.safeconnections.org for more info...

More shows coming up-- Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Please check out:


for the newest promo video for THE SCRIPT, filmed and edited by Chris Latragna!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

THE SCRIPT on tour...

THE SCRIPT will be in performance throughout late August and September...

August 31st, Safe Connections, Saint Louis, MO

September 9th, (STANDING BY/STANDING UP, a new one-man show about Bullying Prevention) at

September 15th, Children's Advocacy Services of Greater Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO

September 20th, Saint Louis University, 2 performances, Saint Louis, MO

September 22nd, Urban Eats Cafe --this show is open to the public!!! Saint Louis, MO

September 28th, Luminz Studio-- this show is open to the public!!! Brattleboro, VT

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

25 Days Until The Premier of STANDING BY/STANDING UP!

Don't miss it! September 9th, 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m., at Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, St. Louis, Missouri, the debut performance of STANDING BY/STANDING UP, an educational one-man show addressing the issues of Bullying and Violence Prevention.

STANDING BY/STANDING UP depicts four young men challenged by Bullying. This timely educational theater piece depicts various forms of Bullying, and follows the interwoven stories of the characters as they either work to further, or prevent, violence. STANDING BY/STANDING UP, aimed at 8th-12th grade students, takes a sober look at the dire consequences of Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, and exclusion, but also identifies hopeful outcomes, and identifies ways that students can prevent violence in their schools and lives.

Don't miss this show!

For more info: info@timcollinsonline.com

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

THE SCRIPT--the video, part 2!!

Coming soon! THE SCRIPT, the second promotional video, filmed by Chris Latragna. You'll be able to see it on YouTube, and here, on this blog!

Also, the promotional video for STANDING BY/STANDING UP will be released in mid-October. Don't miss the debut performance of this exciting educational theater piece, addressing Bullying and Violence Prevention-- September 9th, 9 a.m., at Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership, St. Louis, MO.

Email: info@timcollinsonline.com for more information...

Monday, August 1, 2011


A public performance of the new one-man show about Bullying and Violence Prevention, STANDING BY/STANDING UP--
don't miss this performance!

Thursday, October 27th, 7 p.m.
The Stone Spiral
2500 Sutton
Maplewood, MO 63143

(314) 335-7388

Friday, July 29, 2011


Check out this blog's side bar to go directly to YouTube to check out the new promo video for THE SCRIPT!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Monday, July 25, 2011

THE SCRIPT--the video!!!

The promo video for THE SCRIPT is nearly ready for its debut! Crafted by filmmaker Chris Latragna, this five minute video captures the urgency and intensity of THE SCRIPT... check back in a few days for the premier!

THE SCRIPT at the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership Film Festival & Resource Fair!

THE SCRIPT on display...

The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership Film Festival and Resource Fair was
a fantastic event, attended by a number of great organizations, including Safe Connections, the Wyman School, and Planned Parenthood. Thanks to T.P.P.P. for the inspiring & exciting opportunity to meet excellent, hardworking people, dedicated to helping others!

Monday, July 18, 2011



See the premier performance of
a one-man show about Bullying and Violence Prevention, September 9th, 9:30 a.m.,
@ Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership,
located at 2433 N. Grand, St. Louis, MO.

You can see a performance of THE SCRIPT, called:
"a great advocate for awareness and change,"
on September 22nd at the amazing Urban Eats Cafe, located @ 3301 Meramec St., Saint Louis, MO.

Also, THE SCRIPT in Brattleboro, Vermont! Wednesday, September 28th @ Luminz Studio, 74 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro, VT

For More Info about any of these performances, please email:


See you at a show!

Friday, July 15, 2011


The latest e-news from the fantastic Teen Pregnancy Prevention Partnership... you can catch Tim at both the Program Fair on Friday, July 22nd, and in performance on September 9th! Check out all the events offered by this important organization!

Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership logo

July 2011

You're Invited to the 2011 TPPP Film Festival and Program Fair!

Summer heat getting you down? Come by and chill out with lemonade or wine and snacks and network with fellow professionals while learning more about local programs that improve adolescent sexual health!

We will also showcase free film clips appropriate for use in a sexual health classroom - and you'll get a resource list to take with you!

Friday, July 22,

3 to 6 pm

at Vision for Children at Risk (hosts our offices)

2433 N Grand, 63106

(1 mile north of the Fox Theater)

$5 at the door

Questions? Contact Allison Hile at

(213) 280-4770, or ExecutiveDirector@TeenPregnancy-MO.org


Tim CollinsSTANDING BY/STANDING UP STANDING BY/STANDING UP confronts the difficult truths about Bullying, depicting a compelling range of characters, both students and teachers, struggling with choices, consequences, and uncertainties. STANDING BY/STANDING UP is a fast-paced, 40-minute one-man show, aimed at middle school and high school students, but relevant for adults and anyone working to prevent violence and abuse in their communities.

TPPP will host this extraordinary show on Friday, September 9th, at its professional training meeting, from 9:00 - 11:00 am, at Vision for Children at Risk.

Tim Collins is an award-winning actor and playwright. He is currently touring THE SCRIPT, a one-man show about Dating Violence Prevention. Find out more: www.timcollinssoloperformer.blogspot.com, and www.timcollinsonline.com


Sexual Health 101

Join TPPP and your fellow colleagues for this great opportunity for professional development and networking, and to fill your bag with useful tips & information!

Topics will include:

  • Contraceptive Technology Update enhanced with Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology and Adolescent Development

  • STD/HIV Update enhanced with LGBT Issues

  • What Works and Creative Ways to Discuss Sexuality with Teens

  • Handling Parents' Concerns

Friday, September 16th, 2011

8:30 am - 3:00 pm

at Vision for Children at Risk

The $50 workshop fee includes training materials, breakfast and lunch.

Questions? Contact Allison Hile, ExecutiveDirector@teenpregnancy-mo.org


The Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership brings together individuals and private and public organizations to improve communication and education so that youth make choices that decrease the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies.

Monday, July 11, 2011


August 31st-- Safe Connections, St. Louis, MO

September 22nd-- Urban Eats, St. Louis, MO

September 28th-- Luminz Studio, Brattleboro VT

More show details forthcoming-- stay tuned!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


August 15th-- the premier of "THE SCRIPT," the promo video! Filmed by Chris Latragna, this exciting preview will be be posted HERE, on www.timcollinssoloperformer.blogpsot.com !

Check back soon for more details...

Also! More performance dates, TBA, soon!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Check back soon for new tour dates of "THE SCRIPT"-- Tim will be on the road in the Midwest and in New England...

Also...August 15th: The premiere of THE SCRIPT, the promo video! Stay tuned for more details...

Also...September 9th, the debut performance of a one-man show addressing Bullying & Violence Prevention! Check back soon for more details...

Thursday, June 16, 2011





We are very excited to announce the upcoming release of the promotional video of THE SCRIPT, filmed by Chris Latragna. This video will debut here, on timcollinssoloperformer.blogspot.com,
on August 15th! Check back soon for more detail
s, and check out the preceeding posts for images from the video!









Tuesday, June 14, 2011


"I was absolutely enthralled by Tim Collins' "The Script". Not only did he provide well researched, accurate information on rape, he created and portrayed four very different males who each had sympathetic components. Tim gets correct messages out without alienating anyone. His poignant portrayal of the situation managed to utilize humor as well as keep everyone engaged to see 'who did it.'"

--Allison Hile, Executive Director, Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Experts Comment on THE SCRIPT...

From Dr. Dorcas McLaughlin, Saint Louis University Professor

"The Script
is a riveting and compelling play about the complex social issues associated with date rape. Playwright and actor Tim Collins masterfully portrays the tale of four young men, struggling with long-standing beliefs and attitudes about masculinity, women, and rape. The Script is a highly effective experiential learning activity that engages the audience/students on a deep and personal level and invites both men and women to be part of the solution to end the violence--a must see for all."

--Dorcas McLaughlin, PhD, APRN, CP

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


We are pleased to post a review from The Arts Advocate Blog, written by Regina Trilling... Thanks to Regina and her kind words about the show!

June 7th, 2011

Arts Advocate
Regina Trilling

A Powerful Performance...

My first offering for the Arts Advocate "Blog"concerns a thrilling one-man show I chanced upon.

I was on my way through Saint Louis back on May 19th, a bustling little urban zone, positively riven with delightful restaurants and pubs. Maplewood, a suburb of sorts, not far from downtown, offers the Schlafly Brewery, with a range of bold ales, and the Kakao Chocolateer, which is a Valhalla for Chocolate-Lovers. In fact, if you are a "Chocoholic," best avoid this quaint and humming shop altogether! You will not be able to escape without substantial purchases involving dark chocolate "Bark," and the devastatingly good "Sea Salt Caramels." I may have to return to Maplewood (even though I am currently south of Missouri's state line) to reacquire some of those enticing delicacies.

But, I digress. Having the evening to spend in quaint Maplewood, my travelling companion noticed a modest poster for a one-man show: "The Script: Addressing the issues of Dating Violence and Sexual Assault." Not typical subject matter for your everyday one-person performance. We took a gamble on it, and I can report only this: This may be the most important one-person show you'll ever see.

Tim Collins is a superlative performer, and his cagey, taut, forty minute performance was both mesmerizing and profound. The venue, The Stone Spiral, a hippie-era-aura kind of deliciously low-key coffee house (with a discreet and helpful staff, and very good mocha lattes), was utterly transformed by Collins' enthralling intensity, such that, when the young performer paused, for effect, in the midst one of his utterly convincing character's urgent, terse monologues, you could, nearly, hear a tear drop. And many a tear was shed by the attentive and grateful audience, who stood for a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of this valuable piece of educational theater.

The Script concerns four teenage (or college age) young men who grapple with a situation that their mutual friend finds herself in; a fellow student has become a victim of sexual violence. Again, I am struck by how incongruous a topic this is for a one-man show...many of the "solo shows" I have attended (in Chicago, primarily), have been relatively self-serving affairs, autobiographical journeys through the actor/writer's past, or exaggerated flights of fancy. Collins' manages to create a theater piece that is vital and entertaining, dealing with (sadly) very real issues, but in a capacity that is both full of passion and humor. The humor, unexpected as it was, serves as a gentle balm to the cutting seriousness of the topic; Collins' show imparts important lessons, but he at no point becomes pedantic. Each character is lovingly portrayed, and their struggles, even when the characters are lost in their own various misunderstandings or wrong-thinking, become the audience's struggles. How can we help? How can we work to build a world that thrives and flourishes on strong foundations of respect and understanding, and not give way to hatred, violence, and cynicism? Collins' show asks questions, then asks of the audience: What can we all do to live in a more compassionate manner?

I understand that Collins' show is intended for high school and college age students (as indicated by his thoughtful artist's statement in the show program), but this powerful theater piece is certainly relevant, and, I might add, necessary, for adults. I did not have a chance to converse with Mr. Collins after the performance (he was fairly thronged with admirers), but I wish him well and will keep close watch over his further doings. An important show, and a lovely and auspicious beginning to the "Arts Advocate Journey" to encounter art and culture on these American roads.